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Delivering expertise to our clients since 2017

We are a growing team of management, quality and nuclear industry experts.

We are proud to do our part in fostering a culture of quality, safety and sustainability towards affordable and clean energy for all - a UN Sustainable Development Goal.

Aboutus SDG7

ISO 9001:2015

Certified quality management

ISO 20700:2017

Specific management consultancy services

Our Team

Managing Partner
Dr. sc. John Kickhofel
Dr. sc. John Kickhofel

Law, regulation, codes and standards
Supply chain, obsolescence management
NPP/SMR Licensing
Long Term Operation

Nuclear Engineering (ETH Zurich)
Diplôme universitaire International Nuclear Law (Montpellier 1)

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Principal Consultant
Dipl.-Ing. Natalia Amosova
Dipl.-Ing. Natalia Amosova

Commercial due diligence and buisness development
Nuclear industry trends and markets
Stakeholder engagement
Policy and international relations
NPP/SMR Licensing

Board Member European Nuclear Society
Board Member Nukelarforum
Board Member SGK
Member of Board Nuklearforum
CAS-HSG in Electric Utiltiy Management

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Senior Consultant
Peter Tuominen
Peter Tuominen

Fleet leadership
Large project oversight
Strategic investments
Integration of new methods and strategies
Leadership and culture

VP of Safety at Fortum (Finland) until 2022
WANO Moscow Centre Governing Board
Posiva Safety Review Board

Senior Consultant
Prof. em. Dr. Horst-Michael Prasser
Prof. em. Dr. Horst-Michael Prasser

Technical due dilligence
Reactor technology safety review
Research & development leadership
Stakeholder engagement
Teaching and education

Former: Professor Labor für Kernenergiesysteme (ETH Zurich) 2006-2021
Head of Laboratory for Thermal-​Hydraulics PSI 2007-2017
Member of the supervisory body of the Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI Council) 2008-2011

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Senior Consultant
Jeffrey Jacobson
Jeffrey Jacobson

Regulatory affairs, oversight
Equipment qualification and dedication
Reverse engineering
Leading and managing various inspection programs at nuclear power plants, manufacturers, and service providers

35 year career with the U.S. NRC:
Inspection Team Leader
Senior Technical International Relations Officer
Senior Operations Engineer

Spearheaded the international Multinational Design Evaluation Program under NRC Chairman Nils Diaz between 2006-2010

Current openings

Please contact us, it would be a pleasure to get to know you and explore ways in which we can work together.

Our offices are located centrally at Zollikerstrasse 20, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland.

Contact Us
Zurich, Switzerland (Fully or Partially Remote)
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